Youyang Yu

Animation Artist

Youyang Yu

Youyang is an independent animation director and art educator living between Beijing and the Twin Cities in the US.

Born in China and trained in the UK, Youyang received his Master's degree in animation from the Royal College of Art in London. He has exhibited his work internationally across Europe, Asia, and North & South America. In 2019, alongside his teaching career, he co-founded the independent animation festival Feinaki Animation Week in Beijing with friends and served as the Operational Director for its first two editions.

Youyang received traditional training as a drawing artist, cultured with both Chinese and Western art, and he loves exploring the endless new possibilities in digital art and animation with the latest advancements in artificial intelligence technology. He aims to combine the captivating tactile qualities of traditional artistic materials with digital image processing techniques and seeks to find poetic rhythms and narrative intrigue in his animated works.